Thursday, October 29, 2009


It was raining most of the night and is still raining this morning ,but it didn't stop me from walking to the bus. I am afraid if I give in and drive once I will make excuses to drive all the time and I really want to keep walking .I think it is a good exercise program for me not too hard and at the right time and it doesn't cost anything.Sometimes I get to think as I walk along other times I just look at the things around me and have a blank brain, sort of like putting it out of gear and coasting for a bit . It takes me about 10 to 15 minutes to walk so that works out to almost an hr. every day, I try to walk fairly quickly it is exactly 1 kilometer. so I don't know if that is a good speed of not but it is how I do what I do.
It was raining pretty good for here when I came home so I had to change when I got in . It is too wet to work in the yard and I don't have an inside project scheduled so I will take the day off and relax I know tough life I will day dream about an adventure for next summer and remember the ones from this past year and drink a bunch of coffee. I was supposed to get the wheels painted on my bus but it is too wet. tomorrow there is always tomorrow.I need to find a picture . here is one of my favorites . It is a picture of my car when we went to Laguna Seca for the races

there is also more stuff over here

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