Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday the 26

We got a lot of work done over the weekend, the panneling ,the window sill and the closet organizer ,the closet is almost a dressing room . Today I got the tile on the stairs replaced , about a dozen tile had come off the stairs when I had to twist the stairs to get the wall panneling off that had suffered water from the window leak. From one storm here is the repair : replaced sidewalk (to eliminate water draining towards the house), replaced window with glass blocks, replaced wall pannel, replaced stair tiles. All that is left to repair is the laminate flooring in the sitting room . So here are some pictures of the closet almost finished. Nice heat pipe.

I decided to take a picture of the back yard today it looks kind of sad but that is the time of year . The leaves are comming off the walnut tree but they are still on the linden tree I have raked the back yard twice already looks like I will have to do it a couple of more times . I had the idea of taking a picture of the front and back yard the same day each month and then comparing to the previous year I know I have too much time on my hands ,but it seemed like a good idea we will see if I can follow through.

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