Thursday, October 29, 2009


It was raining most of the night and is still raining this morning ,but it didn't stop me from walking to the bus. I am afraid if I give in and drive once I will make excuses to drive all the time and I really want to keep walking .I think it is a good exercise program for me not too hard and at the right time and it doesn't cost anything.Sometimes I get to think as I walk along other times I just look at the things around me and have a blank brain, sort of like putting it out of gear and coasting for a bit . It takes me about 10 to 15 minutes to walk so that works out to almost an hr. every day, I try to walk fairly quickly it is exactly 1 kilometer. so I don't know if that is a good speed of not but it is how I do what I do.
It was raining pretty good for here when I came home so I had to change when I got in . It is too wet to work in the yard and I don't have an inside project scheduled so I will take the day off and relax I know tough life I will day dream about an adventure for next summer and remember the ones from this past year and drink a bunch of coffee. I was supposed to get the wheels painted on my bus but it is too wet. tomorrow there is always tomorrow.I need to find a picture . here is one of my favorites . It is a picture of my car when we went to Laguna Seca for the races

there is also more stuff over here

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is life in the slow lane ?
well imagine that life is a highway some people will definitely be in the fast lane, I however choose to be in the slow lane .I make a conscious effort not to rush and "live life to the fullest" I am enjoying every moment of my life savoring it rather than gulping it. one of my favorite poems is by Robert Frost  " two roads diverged in the woods an I took the one less traveled and that has made all the difference" . I like to think I am traveling on the road less traveled . I have been lots of places and done and seen lots of things, but there are still a lot that I want to do ,it is just that it doesn't have to be done today.  I am not going to put things off so they never get done I just want to do them slowly so I can enjoy the experience.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday the 27
A sort of busy day in the slow lane. I had to finish my tile job on the stairs when I put the tile on yesterday I had one set of 8 tile on the face of the bottom step ( if that makes sense) anyway I had to put a thin plywood on the floor to keep the tile up off the floor so this morning when I removed the plywood ,you guessed it , but only one , of the tiles came off so I put a new on back on along with another 10 small face tiles on the edges of the steps . This is a picture of the tile on the stairs ,we still have to put grout in the spaces between the tile.

that kept me busy most of the morning then I put casing moldings around the girls closet door and a handle on it. Almost all the doors in the house are glass french doors and we have used glass doorknobs on all the doors , the exceptions are the bathrooms and the closet and the wine closet. We tried to put a glass door on the bathroom ,ordered specially to fit, but it was too see through . we thought it would keep visitors from spending too much time there . the door that we ordered for the bathroom was used on the girls bedroom

this is a picture of the door at the top of the stairs going into the kitchen.

example of the fancy doorknobs ( yes the door will eventually get painted )
we ordered one more door today to go at the top of the basement stairs this will give us a sort of enclosed back porch, you come in the back door then either go up to the kitchen or open the door to go downstairs .
we usually keep the kitchen door closed it helps to keep drafts out .

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday the 26

We got a lot of work done over the weekend, the panneling ,the window sill and the closet organizer ,the closet is almost a dressing room . Today I got the tile on the stairs replaced , about a dozen tile had come off the stairs when I had to twist the stairs to get the wall panneling off that had suffered water from the window leak. From one storm here is the repair : replaced sidewalk (to eliminate water draining towards the house), replaced window with glass blocks, replaced wall pannel, replaced stair tiles. All that is left to repair is the laminate flooring in the sitting room . So here are some pictures of the closet almost finished. Nice heat pipe.

I decided to take a picture of the back yard today it looks kind of sad but that is the time of year . The leaves are comming off the walnut tree but they are still on the linden tree I have raked the back yard twice already looks like I will have to do it a couple of more times . I had the idea of taking a picture of the front and back yard the same day each month and then comparing to the previous year I know I have too much time on my hands ,but it seemed like a good idea we will see if I can follow through.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

the last 2 weeks

We have really had a busy time for someone in the slow lane . we have had a weekend motor home trip done work on the house had lots of field trips with the school celebrated a Birthday at a Mexican restaurant . I have been writing all of this in my other blog at

I am going to up date this site every other day and the same with the other site then I will be able to see which one I like the most
Today is Sunday the 25 of October
the girls are away at a church gathering this weekend and we planned to go on a weekend motor home trip but decided to stay home and work all weekend. I got the paneling replaced on the wall that was water damaged and got most of the window sill installed I will finish the rest of that  today. Deb was busy painting the big walk in closet  I will be putting up the closet organizer we got for it last weekend .
It was pretty cool last night and the trees in front of the house are continuing to change colour

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I have moved to a new place

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday a long weekend ahead

Another busy day not exactly as I had planned but that seems to be the way of my life.
I had sort of semi planned to prepare the tiles to be replaced on the stairs but before I could start I got a phone call that a tire was going flat on the school bus .I have started a new fitness program "I walk to work " so off I went to check the bus tires sure enough it was going down so off to the tire shop the short version is we got 4 new tires on the back ,I tried to go through the car wash but they have closed all their credit accounts and want cash. that will have to wait till the time I got the bus back to the school it was too late to go home and come back so I just poked around the bus till it was time to do the afternoon run .
Fortunatly it is not too bad weather but I didn't accomplish anything at home other than picking up a pail of wallnuts that the wind had blown down I have to get them picked up right away or the squirle gets them.
remember it 's the slow lane so not too much happens in a hurry

October 8

well this was supposed to be done last night but I was too tired so I am doing it in the morning
I drive a school bus and this morning saw an interesting phenomenon steam or at least watervapor rising from the river. It only happens here a few times a year I think it is when the water is warmer than the air. I usually want to take a picture but can't stop the school bus to take pictures and by the time I am finished it is gone. the school went on a field trip today to pick Toulies they are a reed that grows by bullrushes . they are used to make mats they also were picking pine needles to make baskets.

We still have a fair amount of work to do on our renovation, sometimes unexplained things happen ,for example I couldn't get the front outside light to come on it has a light /dark sensor and is supposed to come on when it gets dark anyway it wasn't coming on like it was supposed to and suddenly at 6:30 this morning it came on . ghosts? The renovation is sort of 3 steps forward the 1 back . the rain storm a couple of weeks ago caused a flood into our basement where I had just finished putting in new laminate flooring. I had to take out the floor and a piece of wallboard under the window where the water came in.To get the wallboard off I had to pry on the stairs which in turn caused some of the quarry tile to come off.This was all caused by the previous owner paving a sidewalk up to the edge of the house and sloping it towards the house so the water would run along the edge of the house I replaced the window I had all ready replaced with glass blocks cemented in and a soon project will be ripping all the paved sidewalk out .It is sometimes hard to get started on these projects after taking a break but we have just get going. I try to make listes of the jobs and then work them off the list so today for example I am writing this instead of working on the window sill.

Thursday night is our fire practice and tonight I was in charge of practicing putting out garbage bin fires it all went according to the plan

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

not too much to add to the last post except that we went to dance class tonight . we missed the first 2 classes because we were on the cruise so we had to kind of catch up tonight . Tango tonight, I am not much of a tangoer, just have to remember this is for fun we're not going into a compitition ,really where am I going to tango? this is Oliver we don't tango maybe we will 2step ,macarena, there might be a polka or a marenge but I cant remember hearing a tango .But now I am going to demand a tango at the next dance or maybe not.

We met some friends in California

So far so good .

we just came back from a cruise ,what a great time we had . We had our 2 girls with us they enjoyed the cruise and the time we spent in California

the first post

I have been keeping a journal for several years, now is the time to jump into a new technology at least for me